Legal Resources2024-09-02T12:06:48-04:00

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LegalTech Buyers Guide: Evaluating Legal Ops Solutions

Featured eBook: Evaluating Legal Ops Solutions

doeLEGAL offers a proven process to follow to successfully evaluate Legal Ops solutions every time.
With so much riding on making good decisions, the modern legal department needs a way to cut through the hype and get to the truth.

The success of our clients following these steps builds confidence when making LegalTech decisions to suit the entire business ecosystem. 

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Billing Guidelines: Key to Successful Litigation

Just like any construction or business project, a solid litigation plan starts with a detailed set of tasks, dates, and people. And then the first phase is to build the foundation that everything else will be built upon.

Litigation Planning Improves Performance

Legal Project Planning, just like the recent construction project we undertook to our house, takes careful planning that should be monitored and measured during every work phase. To help address this task, project managers use milestones as a means for evaluating a project’s performance.

Litigation Planning Through Project Management

For years I have had the good fortune to work on hundreds and hundreds of litigations…from both the law firm and corporate perspective. I have seen many innovative efforts to create best processes for success. Working with corporate and law firm managers on a regular basis, I always stress the importance of utilizing a project management approach to litigation, particularly for determining labor and cost expectations and handling e-billing functions.

Konica Minolta Chooses Ascent ELM

KONICA MINOLTA had very clear and defined criteria of what they needed a legal service provider to deliver in order to accomplish their legal department’s Legal Spend Management initiative. ASCENT™ was chosen for its flexibility, ease of use, robust reporting capability, and predictable value-driven pricing model.

What is Your Favorite Analytic Report to Direct Your Decisions?

Every general counsel, managing partner, corporate attorney, administrator, claims manager, or compliance manager has a particular analytic report that they use to help them direct the company forward.

How to Reduce Your Own eDiscovery Expenses

Electronic Discovery, a.k.a. eDiscovery, is the process of collecting electronic data with the purpose of using it as evidence in a legal case. With today's growing integration of technology into the business work process, what constitutes relevant data is becoming increasingly harder to manage. Emails, sms, images, calendars, databases, audio files, websites and even computer programs form important data sources that must be considered during forensic data collection.

Thanksgiving Donations to Local Food Bank

At this time of year is is important to remember how fortunate we are. Many of those around us do not have enough to stay warm or feed their families during this holiday of thanks. In our own small way, doeLEGAL wanted to give back to our community by donating to the Food Bank of Delaware.

Mobile Tech Tip: – Needle in a Haystack?

eDiscovery and Litigation Support Management stories have been increasing in the news lately, but none more so than over the issues that new mobile technology creates. New data sources have created preservation & data collection challenges for organizations involved in litigation. Specifically, the utilization of Smartphone’s and Tablets by their employees, sometimes personally owned and used for business purposes, has created potential eDiscovery exposure & expense.

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