Enterprise Legal Management for Optimized Legal Ops – Ascent ELM2023-06-12T14:00:46-04:00

Enterprise Legal Management

Simplify your workload while reducing legal spend with one powerful, integrated Legal Operations solution

Optimize matters, reduce costs, and boost data transparency

Corporate legal departments choose Ascent ELM to streamline global legal operations, manage legal spending, and easily analyze all matter data. Ascent ELM provides visibility into all aspects of your legal operations with a fully integrated, configurable dashboard delivering information precisely when and where you need it. Our dedicated team of Enterprise Legal Management system experts onboard, train, and support you and your vendors 24/7; all at no extra cost.

ascent-elm-matter-managementMatter Management

All legal matter information in one place, accessible by all parties.


Automate invoice processes, create and manage AFAs, securely work with all vendors.

ascent-elm-legal-holdLegal Hold

Integrate and manage all tasks from within Ascent ELM.

elm-rep[orting-anlyticsReporting and Analytics

Personalized dashboards featuring advanced analytics and real-time data.

Support and Training

All parties supported by a dedicated team of experts. Training included.

elm-inclusive-onboardingInclusive Onboarding

Easily onboard outside counsel and vendors without extra fees.

Get started

Discover how doeLEGAL can help you reduce costs, improve efficiency, and optimize the business of law.

Ascent ELM advanced technology

enterprise legal management - SmartViewInsightful Analytic Dashboards

SmartView analytic dashboards allow you to view your most critical information in one place, in a way that makes sense to you. You can compare matter, spend, and law firm data on one advanced analytics screen to make truly informed decisions.

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Outlook-Integration-Ascent-ELMResourceful Outlook® Integration

SmartLink™  connects you to the tool you use most – email. You can easily add documents, create and edit matters, and manage invoices directly from your email inbox without sacrificing the functionality and security of your business data to further streamline your life.

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flex-system configuration-Ascent ELMMindful Advanced System Configuration

Flex-System integrates Ascent ELM within your unique processes and workflows without the expense of software customization.  Out-of-the-box ELM solutions don’t offer the expert support or configuration flexibility that you get with doeLEGAL’s LegalTech software solutions.

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AFA-Wizard-Ascent-ELMPowerful Alternative Fee Arrangements

AFA Wizard ensures your AFAs are limited only by your creativity, not your ELM software.  Create and manage “value-based billing” scenarios within the ELM system to easily compare your legal spend relative to budget.

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LegalTech solutions provide an elevated business perspective

As a legal technology pioneer, doeLEGAL guides thousands of corporate legal pros through virtually every conceivable challenge. The combination of five decades of innovative legal solutions, end-to-end IP & innovation expertise, and deep knowledge of legal operations uniquely qualifies doeLEGAL experts to provide you with a broader view of your business. With a trusted partner, you can provide greater value to your business partners and clients.

Proven Value From an Enterprise Legal Management System Leader

  • Full-Service Implementation

    One, upfront charge covers the implementation of all solutions. Our experts work with your legal team and other involved business units throughout the duration of the project.

  • Data Integration Services

    Your existing historic data is converted for use in Ascent ELM. Teams have 24/7 access to real-time data and analytics. All system upgrades are included at no charge.

  • Cloud Configuration

    Hosted solutions are configured to work with your existing business processes and seamlessly integrate with other secure data feeds.

  • Vendor OnBoarding

    All teams (internal & external) receive role-based, secure access to their matter and invoice data. Ongoing training and support are included with Ascent ELM at no additional charge.

  • Legal Operations Optimization

    ELM experts ensure teams have access to the information needed to effectively manage legal operations. We help you optimize processes through continuous evaluation of outcomes.

  • Business Analytics & Reporting

    SmartView™ dashboards deliver user-friendly graphical reports on all data captured by the system. This allows you to easily visualize information and share it with your team from one place.

Calculate Your Savings

An Enterprise Legal Management System automates your matters and legal invoice processing with Ascent ELM.  Use the calculator to create a custom report showing your potential savings which provides valuable input into your Enterprise Legal Management System business case.


doeLEGAL by the numbers


Years in the legal technology industry
Read our experience 


Users rely on Ascent ELM & Ascent Discovery
Learn about ELM  


Timekeepers booking time in Ascent ELM
Learn about ELM  


Years experience of each client support expert
Learn our expertise  

Understanding that no platform does everything, it is important to have one that fully meets core functionality and can adapt with evolving requirements while providing practical options for integrating with other applications and systems as needed.

Director of Legal Operations,
Global Healthcare Leader

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