Alternative Fee Arrangements made simple – AFA Wizard™
Powerful value-based billing management
Alternative Fee Arrangements (AFAs) relieve billable-hour challenges
Today’s Alternative Fee Arrangements (AFA) should be limited only by your creativity, not your ELM software. The AFA Wizard allows you to easily create and manage value-based billing scenarios from within Ascent ELM, all without submitting requests to client support. Quickly store documents within the AFA record, securely collaborate with outside counsel and vendors, evaluate AFAs against shadow bills, and manage outside legal spend relative to budget. You can read more about how AFAs provide a win-win for corporate clients and law firms in this post.
- Easily manage rate discounts and premium increases.
- Configure each AFA’s custom conditions for maximum flexibility.
- Adjustment, violation, and rejection options keep you in control.
Ascent ELM advanced technology
Insightful Analytic Dashboards
SmartView™ analytic dashboards allow you to view your most critical information in one place, in a way that makes sense to you. You can compare matter, spend, and law firm data on one advanced analytics screen to make truly informed decisions.
Resourceful Outlook® Integration
SmartLink™ connects you to the tool you use most – email. You can easily add documents, create and edit matters, and manage invoices directly from your email inbox without sacrificing the functionality and security of your business data to further streamline your life.
Mindful Advanced System Configuration
Flex-System™ integrates Ascent ELM within your unique processes and workflows without the expense of software customization. Out-of-the-box ELM solutions don’t offer the expert support or configuration flexibility that you get with doeLEGAL’s LegalTech software solutions.
Powerful Alternative Fee Arrangements
AFA Wizard™ ensures your AFAs are limited only by your creativity, not your ELM software. Create and manage “value-based billing” scenarios within the ELM system to easily compare your legal spend relative to budget.
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