ELM Legal Software Features
Advanced ELM capabilities simplify Legal Operations while reducing legal spend
Legal Software Feature #1: Matter Management
Ascent ELM provides a secure repository for all legal documents, notes, and status updates related to your matters. Drag-and-drop capabilities make it simple to associate any information in your matter data library. Pre-built reports, custom queries, and full-text search tools make it easy to retrieve all information about any matter. Your teams exercise full control over matter spend by managing timekeepers, including outside legal vendors, through a single dashboard.
- Easily add any information, documents, status updates, and notes related to a matter with user-friendly drag-and-drop functionality.
- Remain informed of all time-sensitive schedules including court dates, appointments, tasks, and points of contact associated with any matter.
- Get full visualization using an easy-to-use, comprehensive suite of query and report builders with in-depth search tools and filters.
- Create and add documents to any matter or approve invoices using familiar tools, like MS Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Legal Software Feature #2: eBilling & Legal Spend
Simplify the way you work with streamlined functionality that lets you easily navigate directly to any specific matter data and its tasks. Ascent ELM removes the costly overhead associated with billing and invoicing through a user-friendly interface and fully-configurable invoice management system. All matter data the system collects is immediately available to search, review, and report. Ascent ELM utilizes all UTBMS coding and LEDES file standards. Our dedicated team of client support experts is there to guide your team, including your outside counsel and other timekeepers, to ensure you work smarter, not harder.
- Easily and securely upload new invoices into the ELM system in bulk from a single LEDES file.
- Includes easy-to-use template library for any invoice format including fixed fee, summary, tax, and credit memos.
- Automate typical department tasks to simplify your eBilling process with total control of matter visibility.
- A user-friendly dashboard allows you to approve, reject, hold, and adjust invoices on the go within Ascent ELM or MS Office®.
Legal Software Feature #3: Legal Hold
Manage the entire communication workflow between your team and all custodians of the legal hold. Simplify your legal hold management using robust capabilities such as automated notification schedules, create and preview email notifications, and choose which custodians to communicate with. Ascent ELM takes the guesswork out of the workflow and ensures full compliance with every aspect of the legal hold process.
- Communicate more effectively between multiple groups of custodians for a litigation legal hold.
- Create and schedule email notifications for every stage of the legal hold including initial notice and friendly reminders.
- Easily release a legal hold and track its activity with a touch of a button throughout the life of the legal hold.
- Dispatch required escalation notifications to the supervisors of unresponsive or non-compliant custodians.
Legal Software Feature #4: Reporting and Analytics
Ascent ELM presents a complete picture of your matters in real-time, enabling you to leverage all business data fields. Building the right report with exactly what you need to see makes it simple to take confident action. Clients appreciate the capabilities that provide instant answers using Ascent ELM’s user-friendly Query & Report Builder. You can also request custom reports from our ELM experts, most with no charge, because we believe that teams excel when they can ask complex questions more easily.
- All matter data can be viewed in real-time to inform teams of daily tasks, budget status, and invoices that require action.
- Over 100 standard reports are included to provide more in-depth and high-level views out-of-the-box.
- Build custom reports using the drag-and-drop query builder or have our experts guide you.
- Graphical data visualizations powered by Power BI make it easier to understand matter information and gain greater insight faster.
Legal Software Feature #5: Support & Training
doeLEGAL support specialists learn your business and continue to support you as your needs evolve and grow. Support and ongoing training are included with your monthly contract and extend to all parties to ensure that your teams are productive from your go-live date. Contacting your support team is easy over the phone or by creating a support ticket within your solution. Ascent ELM offers a full library of self-service resources that include videos and webinars so that you choose the best time to learn more about your ELM capabilities.
- Each doeLEGAL support specialist has been helping customers achieve their goals on an average of over 10 years.
- Support tickets are automatically prioritized and assigned to the right expert for faster resolution.
- Live webinars and training sessions to train new users and demonstrate new product functions are frequently held and are easy to join.
- Our extensive video library covers many topics important to getting the most out of Ascent ELM and can be viewed anywhere, at any time.
Legal Software Feature #6: Inclusive Onboarding
doeLEGAL’s experienced team of onboarding specialists guide every stage of the process to ensure your teams, both internal and external, are confident with the pace and structure of the schedule. Each outside vendor and outside counsel group are walked through the system capabilities and trained in the functions of the system they are responsible for. There are no extra charges for this because our business model focuses on client success. The system is configured to give you optimal results and our specialists work with you to migrate your data safely and securely. Ascent ELM configures to match your current workflow processes using best practices for a seamless process.
- Clients experience no downtime during the typical onboarding process to keep business running as usual.
- Full data mapping and conversion ensure the integrity of all information allowing nothing to be lost in migration.
- Our experienced experts conduct seamless onboarding procedures of internal and external parties.
- Ascent ELM is fully configurable to match your processes and how your business conducts legal operations.
Ascent ELM advanced technology
Insightful Analytic Dashboards
SmartView™ analytic dashboards allow you to view your most critical information in one place, in a way that makes sense to you. You can compare matter, spend, and law firm data on one advanced analytics screen to make truly informed decisions.
Resourceful Outlook® Integration
SmartLink™ connects you to the tool you use most – email. You can easily add documents, create and edit matters, and manage invoices directly from your email inbox without sacrificing the functionality and security of your business data to further streamline your life.
Mindful Advanced System Configuration
Flex-System™ integrates Ascent ELM within your unique processes and workflows without the expense of software customization. Out-of-the-box ELM solutions don’t offer the expert support or configuration flexibility that you get with doeLEGAL’s LegalTech software solutions.
Powerful Alternative Fee Arrangements
AFA Wizard™ ensures your AFAs are limited only by your creativity, not your ELM software. Create and manage “value-based billing” scenarios within the ELM system to easily compare your legal spend relative to budget.